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Tiny Homes Suck… says Forbes


Could it be that Forbes and Trulia are on to something about Tiny Homes – Gasp!

You’re friends think you’re an idiot for wanting to buck the norm (trademark pending, hehe) for selling all your stuff and wanting to build a tiny home. You’re parents just want you to be happy but keep asking you questions like, “Where will you store Grandma’s china when I’m gone?

So, in the essence of being fair and sharing both sides, I found an article on Forbes magazine that says your a ninny-muggin (Elf reference) for building a tiny home. To top it off, one of the main antagonists to the little dwellings on wheels movement, shares my name (almost, he’s missing the “t” which is the coolest part). In any case, my uncle always told me “if I wanted to hear from an a$$hole I’d fart.” So here you go Forbes:

Contributing Author Trulia (really, Trulia for an opinion section? Forbes = ass clowns)




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