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Sailboat living in Alaska is extraordinary


Sailboat living in Alaska is a bit different than doing it in the Caribbean.

Living vicariously through others is what many of us do until we can create our own experiences. We are a society where reality TV, the documenting of the drama of other’s lives has replaced sitcoms and dramas. We’re curious how people live and what makes them tick. Often the most popular shows are like a car accident… absolutely horrific, but you can’t help but watch.

There is supposed to be only two situations that make for good movie scripts… extraordinary people living ordinary lives and ordinary people living extraordinary lives. I think I would like to fall under the latter of the two, which is why I am drawn to adventurers that have bucked the norm and are living life by the seat of their pants.

Meet Robert Melanson & Megan Bullers. These two live on their 1979 Cal31 Sailboat, named Turning Point, in Southeast Alaska. The two love being outdoors exploring the inland passages of Alaska and sharing their lives with their Youtube following. I follow a lot of adventures, which I will be sharing with you along the way. I like these two because they seem, well, normal. Their sailboat isn’t a million dollar cruiser and they both have regular jobs. Robert’s allows him to work remotely while Megan is tied to Juneau as a dental hygienist. They are upbeat but not cheesy and seem to live a really cool life. They document the good and bad of life in a tiny home sailboat. They’ve also put together a website with all of their videos located at Currently in their second year – check them out an let me know what you think.




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