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Keeping warm on your own terms


As I mentioned in my previous post, outfitting your rig (or really any dwelling) to no longer be reliant on the grid is such an engaging concept to me. After food, water and basic shelter (depending on your climate) keeping warm is pretty darn important.

Electric and propane heaters

Electric space heaters are easy, but if you are making and storing your own power with solar or wind energy, electric heaters are the quickest way to eat up that valuable resource in a hurry. It takes a lot of energy to heat those coils to produce the energy needed to keep warm.

Most RV’s are outfitted with propane based systems which are fairly efficient but still rely on the grid. If sh#t hits the fan, the propane dude is probably not making it out to your location. So, this brings us to our next possible solution – the wood-burning stove.

Wood-burning stoves

If you are in an area where you can harvest and store dry wood, it’s a pretty great option. A small stove can warm an entire home and (depending on the unit you choose) can serve as a water heater and a means to cooks your meals.

There are a number of different types of wood burning heaters/stoves depending on your size restrictions. Keep in mind the smaller the store, the more you will have to maintain the fire so you don’t awake to a frigid house.

For tighter spaces…

If you’ve ever had a sailboat, aside from being in prison, they’re probably one of the tighter dwellings you can live in. Space is crucial and must be well-thought-out. Dickinson Marine makes a bunch of really cool products for marine applications which work great for tight spaces. Search YouTube for reviews as they are somewhat mixed.

For RV’s and a little larger spaces…

Good things sometimes really do come in small packages. Cubic Mini Stoves makes an awesome version of the traditional wood burning stove but with a small footprint. They come in two sizes: the Cub  and the Grizzly  and provide a great heat source with the ability to cook. Definitely check these guys out.

Tiny Homes and a little larger…

If you have a little more space, you also have a few more options. There are a number of companies that offer great quality cookstoves …some even have ovens in them.

In short, wood burning stoves have been warming families since the 1500’s. They take a little effort to fire up and maintain, but I’d trade a little effort for reliance on the government any day. Cheers.




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