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This Geodesic Dome Greenhouse made my wife cry


How on earth could a greenhouse make someone cry?  Well, this geodesic dome greenhouse did just that.  Being that we are in the middle of May (aka the middle of Spring), my wife and I have been busting our tail with planting our vegetable garden.  Truth-be-told this is the first time we’ve ever planted food-bearing plants.  Sure, we’ve planted potted house plants and flowers around the house… but for some reason, we’ve never taken on the challenge of fruits and veggies.

So, what does a grown man and woman do when we know nothing about gardening?  We turned to Google and YouTube.  I have a completely newfound respect for farmers.  Not only is this job physically demanding… it’s complicated as all hell!  There are infinite strategies and philosophies when managing and designing a vegetable garden.  From the mulch to fertilizers, to nitrate %’s, topsoil, ground soil, water, amount of sunlight, how to keep bugs out… covers in case there is a frost and to protect from the chemtrails (PS- don’t use the polyurethane covers on your gardens.  Apparently its crazy-toxic and causes a whole slew of issues. It gave me a migraine when I opened the bag).  Bottom line- all this data made our heads spin.

In our massive overwhelm… we stumbled on a link for a greenhouse made by Growing Spaces.  The first thing that caught our attention is that they are based in Colorado; which is where we’re currently residing and makes it easy to see their facility and get help.  Secondly, they make greenhouses that operate almost automatically, and they allow you to grow year-round and at altitude.  Score!

So here come the tears…

Earlier that day my wife and I were discussing how to get our kids more involved in the yard and how we could teach them how to grow their own food (of course we needed to learn first).  In addition, we were talking about a shortage of nutrients in the food at grocery stores and that it takes one big storm or martial law and our grocery stores would be empty and we’d be up sh!t creek.  Check out Mike’s post on be prepared if you live on the road full time.  Then we stumble on Growing Spaces website and we start watching their promo vid.  Next- my wife is crying within the first 45 seconds.  Check out the vid above and see why.  If you have kids… and are paying attention to where our worlds food future is headed, you might want to grab some Kleenex.  It also might be a total girl thing… I didn’t cry, but it definitely got me excited and wanting to build one of these for my family.




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