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You are what you drink. Find the healthiest water, locally, for FREE


Water is the most important resource that we has human beings need in order to survive.  We can go days, even weeks without food.  But water… we can survive roughly 1 week without water. How do we find the healthiest water?

I find it fascinating that a company like Nestle or CocaCola has so much money invested in water.  Not more than 50 years ago the majority of the population would drink straight from the tap.  Fast forward a few decades and it doesn’t take much more than a simple “sniff test” to recognize that our tap water is loaded with chemicals.  Logic jumps in pretty quickly when you follow the money trail.  Big business is harvesting (my personal opinion is they are robbing) the earth of its most precious resources.  And water is at the top of the list.

Find A is an awesome crowdsourced website of FREE springs with the healthiest and cleanest water on the planet.  Check out the search feature and see if there is a spring near you.  I was shocked when I ran my first search… 3 springs near me, less than a 20 min drive… and the WATER IS FREE!!!




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