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The Hicklebucky Trailer Pallet Bar


My brother-in-law is turning 40 next weekend.

Not sure if you’ve heard, but San Diego is doing it’s best impersonation of Seattle. Not kidding, I’ve actually traded in my flip-flops for rain boots.  In any case, my brother-in-law suffered a devastating loss this season – his make-shift pallet bar was destroyed in the last storm.

So what does a project-needing, no-longer-road-tripping brother-in-law get him for his birthday?  The ultimate mobile pallet bar – that’s what.

I came up with the basic idea to rebuild his bar.  But how to do it? I wanted to surprise him but I knew I couldn’t build  the bar I had in mind in a day.  On the double-dog-dare from my friend Erik, I decided to build it on the chassis of an old motorcycle trailer I had given him.  That way, I could build it in my garage, then just tow it over to his house when it was finished. Sounds reasonable right?

Well, 2-months later the Hicklebucky bar was completed and delivered.  Steve (my bro-in-law), was genuinely surprised and seems pretty damn stoked. The evening ensued a lot of craft beer and tequila – so apparently the bar worked as intended.




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