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Tiny House Transformer: An Engineer’s Dream


This tiny house comes to us from Alaska. I know we post a lot of tiny homes here and there is always something different about each one that make’s it cool… but this one has quite a few features that we just haven’t seen.

When living in a tiny house, space is precious. Any time you can have a living space that serves more than one function it’s obviously a win.  From the toy hauler style drop-down bed, the configurable second bed, desk and table combo, sliding pantry, to the hidden washer dryer… there was a LOT of thought put into this build .

This is so far out of my realm of engineering that I can’t stop re-watching the video. I am of the school of construction where each feature inhibits the last. Meaning “my new shelf now doesn’t let the bathroom door open – damnit (throw a tool now).”  This build seems so calculated and precise… I my hats off to the builder.





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