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Must have Gadget for Road Travelers: Cell Booster


Get a Cell Booster.  Whether you live in a rural area, going on a trip, or live full time in an RV… the WeBoost Cell Booster is a must have gadget.

We use our cell for pretty much all of our digital needs.  Pandora, GPS, Yelp, Phone, email, and every other app you can imagine is needed when under tow or on a long trip.  The biggest bummer is when your service goes out.  No more music… no more GPS :(.

WeBoost has an awesome solution. For $179 you can be virtually worry free.  In the past 18 months there was only 1 time when I didn’t have cell service while using the booster.  Considering we’ve covered 20,000+ miles I’d say that’s pretty darn good.  Especially since much of our trip was in remote areas in the mountains, deserts and some crazy canyons.

If you have a cell phone… pick one of these bad boys up!

Here are some of the perks it provides (courtesy of the WeBoost website):




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