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That’s some sexy Solar Tiles you got there.


Elon Musk is a brilliant business man.  His latest merger with Solar City is pure genius!  Tesla has the Powerwall.  And now they have these amazing solar tiles.

The days of Passive Solar for everyone are coming… and quickly!  Tesla is pricing these solar tiles at equal or less than the cost of normal roofing materials.  Then to add insult to injury (poor competitors) they are stronger than normal roof tiles.

When I’m making purchases I have 3 filters that I run through…

  1. Is it good for the environment?  Check!
  2. Is it good for me and my family?  Check!
  3. Is it aesthetically pleasing?  Super Check!

Tesla and Solar City made a smart business move.  But more importantly, it’s a great move for the planet.  And Yes, I will be installing these in the near future.




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