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The Earthship Early Retirement Plan


“I didn’t need more money, I needed more life…” ~Craig

My Grandpa didn’t need an Earthship.  Grandpa retired at age 65 in 1983 with a full pension. He had a 7th grade education but left school to get a job to help support his family. Grandpa, although lacking any degree in engineering, became head of the department that made all the tools at Northrop Grumman in Southern California. He retired with a full pension and lived to the ripe old age of 92. Now, he is probably one of the reasons companies no longer offer full pensions. I mean, he lived a very good life on the company’s dime for nearly 30 years!

Today’s world is much different.

Unless you have a government job, you had better be planning your exit strategy at an early age. Where will you live? How will you generate an income? Investments? Social security? When in my twenties, I didn’t really give this any thought. In my thirties, I started building my plans but now in my 40’s… it’s time to really kick them into gear.

I stumbled across this video of a couple in Canada that are doing things a bit different. The couple, both custodians at local schools come from humble incomes. Neither of them had any building/trades experience but decided to build one of the nicest Earthships I have viewed. Their concept was to build a fully sustainable home that allowed them to stay in it as long as possible. They opted to stop working and start living – what a concept!

With all their water and electricity needs handled by the Earthship, and a great deal of their food grown in and around their property, Connie and Craig have created a great example of taking a different route to retirement.




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