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Guess, who’s back? Norm is back.


How does Norm go 3 month’s without a post? Well, the monotony of being somewhere you don’t want to be took it’s toll. Speaking for myself, returning from our last road trip showed me that life doesn’t have to be lived dedicating yourself to the grind. We don’t have to do things the way everyone else does.

When we returned home after being on the road for 3-months… our old life welcomed us back.  Waking up early, running the kids off to school, work and social obligations – were only a few weeks out of the trailer and we found ourselves right back in the anxiety-producing schedule that we so longed to avoid.  As time went on, the memories of being free, exploring on the road were replaced by daily life.  Over a few months we found ourselves…well, unhappy.  We have a nice house in San Diego. Lots of friends and family around. What more did we need? What was it that we were missing?

My wife is  a big proponent of gratitude. Thankfully she is in my life to remind me of such things. She taught we need to be grateful for all that we have, actually thanking these things out loud for their service in our life.  But everything serves us for a certain reason at a particular time in our lives.  Now, we needed a change… and needed to act on it.

So what did we do?  Some will say it’s crazy. In fact many of our friends and family think we nuts. We listed our house on the market and it sold in 12 hours.

“What the fuck did we just do?”

Luckily we had a somewhat-loose plan in place.  We decided that we are going to set out for a year on the road. 3 months was great but just not enough time. We purchased a travel trailer, learning from what we liked and didn’t like with our last rig…. this process is forever evolving of course.

So, this Sunday is our last day in our town. We have been living in a beach RV resort for the last 2 months, waiting for my daughters school year to end. Our first few trips involve meeting up with friends in some of our favorite places – then off to see the rest of the country.

Along the way I will try to post as often as is interesting (which will hopefully be a lot). Additionally, if you are an Instagram Junkie, you can follow us @norm_bucker. 

Happy trails – our life is what we make of it!




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