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What if your kids loved school?


If you are anything like me… you hated school.  Waking up early, learning subjects that had no relevance to my life (then and now), having a dictator preach from the front of the room, having to get a pass to take a sh!t, detention if you didn’t get back to the class room in time after lunch… and that damn bell!

I know there are some out there that loved their schooling growing up.  But I would wager that the masses had a strong dislike for it.  What many don’t know is school (as we know it today) was created during the industrial revolution.  It was developed at a time when corporations needed 30 people to be able to perform the exact same function/job.  Today this is the furthest thing from what is needed to improve our planet, communities, and life as a whole.

Here’s a short video on Sudburry Schools also known as Democratic Schools.




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