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What in the world is an Earthship?


What would drive us to live off the grid? Do we have a desire to check out of society? Are we so introspective that we can’t stand being around other humans? Has the EMF made us mad? Or do we have such an aversion to authority that we’d dedicate our lives to being peaceful anarchists? One of the coolest ways to do all of these things is living in an Earthship.

If you aren’t familiar with Earthship’s, this documentary does an amazing job explaining what they are, why they are so amazing, as well as the beautiful… and slightly crazy mind behind their design.

Here’s the skinny on these trippy homes: imagine a home that is built with 80% recycled materials, doesn’t require outside electricity, harvests its own rain (uses it 4 times), and you can grow all your food in doors.  Oh, it also doesn’t require heat or air conditioning and works best in extreme terrain. My only question is “why aren’t all homes engineered this way?

PS- if you want to learn how to build an Earthship, they offer internships here.




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