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Big Berkey. Amazing water filtration.


The Big Berkey is just plain awesome.  This video does a thorough explanation of what it is, how it works, and more importantly how effective it is.

If you’ve seen our earlier post on you’ll know that we are big on natural, filtered by mother nature, infused with mineral water.  However, if you are in a pinch or if you collect rain water, the Big Berkey is the way to go.

It does NOT require a pump (aka electricity), it uses gravity to push the water through each of the filtering stages.  It filters out virtually all the bad stuff (fluoride, chlorine, anthrax, and particulates).  Additionally, they did a great job with their design.  They’ve got different sizes depending on your needs.  For full time RV’rs storage size is critical.  For those living in a yurt… again storage area is super important.  If you are living in a larger home, or if you have multiple people in your home, then I would opt for the Royal Big Berkey.

Big Berkey Sizes

Check out their site for more details.

PS- We’ve been using our Berkey filter for over a year and we love it!




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